Before You Begin

This is important info you need to know to be a Super User:

  • Your Crowd Compasses sometimes take time to start up. Give it up to 60 seconds to turn on - it needs to think!

  • Crowd Compasses are designed for hide-and-seek scenarios. If people are moving, there may be a delay of up to 2 minutes between devices (no LTE after all!). This delay is usually faster, closer to 30-60 seconds, but regardless, the LEDs may be slightly delayed, which is normal. This means if you and a friend are walking beside each other, your friend will show behind you - stop for a bit and the LED will catch up.

  • The white LED on the edge of your Compass is not a paired friend. This LED points in one general direction when calibrated correctly (usually magnetic north). If it jumps all over the perimeter of the device, you need to recalibrate.

  • "Contacting Outer Space" means your Compass is looking for GPS signal. Make sure you're outside in clear view of the sky. You do not need to recalibrate if you see this.

  • If a radar animation appears, zoom out

  • Turn your Compass off if the batteries die

  • Recalibrate after you turn back on or change batteries

  • The Party Mode instructions on your Quick Reference Guide (the one in the box) have a typo.

    The correct instructions are:
    1) Push and hold the - button to enter/exit Party Mode
    2) Push the middle button to change Party Mode 

Download the app! The Crowd Compass Companion App is available on Google Play and the App Store and unlocks even more features!

How To Guide

The online user manual has all the details you need to wander like an expert

App connecting instructions are on Page 15 of the user manual (video for this is not yet uploaded)

How To Videos

If it's your first time using a Crowd Compass, we recommend watching the Initial Set Up video.

Just looking for a certain feature? Scroll on for more.

Initial Set Up

Power On/Off

Pair With Your Crew

To double check pairing was successful, send a message. Everyone in the paired group can send and receive a message when successfully paired. If not, you may need to do the pairing process again.


Send Messages

Zoom In and Out

Party Mode

See Battery Info

Change Batteries

Adjust Brightness

Factory Reset